Although I probably have not met you yet, I'm betting you really need a massage. I am not just saying that because you are visiting my massage therapy page. Massage offers a dizzying array of benefits from relieving muscle tension, increasing muscle tone, increasing flexibility, improving posture, increasing range of motion, lubricating joints, calming the nervous system, improving digestion, improving immune function and decreasing pain, just to name a few. In the bustling Bay Area it is all too easy to get sucked into long work and commute hours as well strenuous outdoor play on our idyllic mountains, waters and deserts. I offer a variety of massage styles and techniques to ease your body back into balance. Whether you are seeking deeper structural work or a relaxing spa experience, you will step off my table feeling a little lighter and perhaps a little younger. If you would like to make a plan for your body, I look forward to hearing from you.